Technological advances concerning connected objects, big data, leading-edge systems, infrastructure modelling offer new perspectives to meet the defence requirements.
Our global defence clients must have the infrastructure to ensure the operational availability of its assets, and the ability to host and deliver major programmes. Security infrastructures such as prisons and detention centres must also manage increasingly ambitious projects in terms of the security and operability of their facilities.
This requires economic discipline with resource control analysis, as well as maintenance in operational conditions and system/equipment interoperability.
Digital technology is being leveraged to support the in-depth transformation needed to achieve these objectives, while respecting applicable defence policies and associated financial requirements of our clients. For example, the military planning laws play a major role in France, setting out objectives for the national defence policy and associated forward budget, to ensure the security of its people and national interests.
Defence economy: using resources more efficiently
As a publicly funded institution, the defence sector requires rigorous analytic management to improve its efficiency. These economic efforts are required in multiple fields: human resources, investment (infrastructures and armaments), procurement, exports, outsourcing etc. This requires the implementation of tried and tested financial management models, statistical tools, and rigorous economic analysis.
Modernisation of defence and security infrastructures and systems
The modernisation of defence and security infrastructure implies that investment must be maintained while delivering more efficiently and at a lower cost. This requires organisations to refocus their core business activities and integrate new technologies, especially concerning big data and 3D modelling.
Guaranteeing the physical security and cybersecurity of sensitive sites
Securing activities, sensitive sites, infrastructures while deploying alert systems is essential to detecting and neutralising potential intrusions. OVI (Operators of Vital Interest) or OES (Operators of Essential Services) are sensitive sites that are critical to the survival of the economy and society, the shutdown of which would have direct consequences on the population. Beyond the protection of infrastructures, it also requires us to anticipate and assess risks to prevent them. An appropriate cyber-security strategy will prevent the risk of network intrusion for the purposes of espionage, remote takeover, or destruction of vital infrastructures.
Operational readiness of systems and equipment
Ensuring that people and equipment are available to respond to national security events is essential to ensuring intervention is possible anywhere, any time. The dependability of systems and solutions is therefore a key issue. Guaranteeing the interoperability and security of critical systems to ensure international dialogue in real time is a key driver for defence sector organisations.
We work with many types of clients: defence bases, nuclear defence, state organisations, OVI, defence industry, prisons and detention centres. We combine project management expertise for major infrastructure programmes and systems integration with technological independence to support a wide range of solution types.
We support project owners from the private and public sector such as Ministries of Defense, Interior, or Justice for their construction, sensitive site protection (physical protection and cybersecurity), and equipment obsolescence management (Maintenance in Operational Condition) projects. We deliver full project management services, from inception and design through to the acceptance of work. Our BIM (Building Information Modelling) specialists use this approach from the design phase through to infrastructure maintenance phases (including 3D pre-synopsis and synopsis, exports and post-design modifications, reverse design of existing structures).
We also offer key technical skills in defence and security activities, such as compliance with security standards specific to the defence sector (ASND - French Defence Nuclear Safety Authority), on-board systems (propulsion, weapons systems etc.), risk analysis integrating operational constraints on complex sites and transmission systems, not forgetting our extensive historical experience in the French and international civil nuclear sector.
Management of complex multi-disciplinary projects, from feasibility to delivery of defence and security installations
Expertise covering the entire lifecycle of nuclear programs (site studies to decommissioning)
Solutions in digital engineering, architecture, and systems integration (SII)
Security and Industrial Cybersecurity
Learn more about our Engineering, Digital and Project Management activities.