Within the framework of the Verification and Validation activity, the client was responsible for the platform tests of the EPR FLA3 which includes:

  • Carrying out the integration tests of the elementary systems I&C
  • Carrying out the functional tests of the elementary systems I&C

The operational control system is based on the SIEMENS SPPA-T2000 system.
In this context, the client has entrusted Assystem with a Verification & Validation (V&V) mission for the control systems of the FLA3 EPR.

Project scope

The various missions entrusted to Assystem are: 

  • Creation of the parameters file database 
  • The drafting of test plans for each elementary system according to the procedures issued by the client
  • The creation of files for each elementary system for process simulation on the platform
  • Carrying out internal tests. Validate the link between level 0 and level 2 (operating HMI displays)
  • Carrying out Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) for each elementary system
  • Support and creation of programs for automation of activities
  • Planning and organisation of activities according to the client's requirements

Client benefits

Assystem implemented a team dedicated to these V&V activities which, thanks to its expertise, made it possible to ensure the continuity of the service for several years. This project was initially in technical assistance mode before being transformed thereafter into a contract mode.

Assystem's service enabled the client to benefit from:

  • Compliance with V&V standards
  • Compliance with the project’s milestones
  • Training of new staff arriving on the project


MOC for instrumentation and control systems of nuclear power plants

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Instrumentation and control systems specifications for EPRs

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