Project description

A total of 87 sites, including islands and submerged reefs, were evaluated to identify sensitive areas with high biodiversity (such as dense coral, tower reefs, seagrass, microalgae, mangroves, and white-eyed seagulls...) as well as other environmental constraints and opportunities.

Sites that were screened in, and in agreement with the development team, went through appraisal phase.

The client appointed Assystem to provide environmental and social screening and appraisal services to inform the development decisions. 

Project Scope

  • Developed screening criteria based on key environmental and social features
  • Used remote sensing based on satellite maps
  • Finalised screening reports of 87 sites
  • Developed appraisal reports for 31 sites
  • Conducted site walkover and drone surveys


  • A solid information flow to the project development phase regarding the sensitivities of the areas
  • Project risks were minimised thanks to the identification of potential impacts
  • Early warning of potential impacts of selected projects

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