Context and challenges

ITER is a large energy project, aiming at developing the largest experimental fusion reactor ever built, in order to offer a safe, inexhaustible and environmentally friendly source of energy. ITER is a one-of-a-kind global collaboration involving a European Union’s joint-venture, which is bearing half the cost of the project, and six non-European countries: United States, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Russia. The project requires engineering services that are unprecedented. The entire site will have to be built from scratch, including the reactor buildings, infrastructure and power distribution systems.

In this context, ITER management has appointed a consortium, of which Assystem is part of and is performing a variety of engineering and project management activities, for the construction of equipment.

Project scope

Assystem is in charge of Construction Management as Agent for all ITER installation on buildings with equipment from international agencies.

In order to deal with technical and organisation complexities of the ITER project, Assystem has set up a consortium, in charge of:

  • Studies including nuclear safety studies
  • Contract management
  • Project management
  • Construction preparation
  • Site coordination
  • Works supervison
  • Completion activities

Client benefits

  • Optimisation of project management thanks to the implementation of a construction management team which took into account the international context of ITER project
  • Creation of a consortium in order to meet the needs of the client, with a multicultural team working directly with ITER, bringing together the best skills of experience of the consortium

in figures

  • 150
  • 1,500,000
    engineering hours

Project management & nuclear: related references

Safety studies on the complete life cycle of nuclear facilities

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Concept design for the STEP fusion tokamak

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Realisation of a BIM model for the dismantling of a nuclear reactor

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