Context and challenges

ITER is a major energy project. It aims at developing the biggest experimental fusion reactor that has ever been built, in order to offer source of energy which is safe, inexhaustible and environmentally friendly. ITER is a one-of-a-kind collaboration project that is managed by 7 members: the European Union (through a joint-venture), which is bearing half of the project 'cost, and six non-European countries: the United States, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Russia. The project required unprecedented engineering services. The entire site had to be built from scratch. It included the reactor building, infrastructures and power distribution systems.

In this context, ITER organisation has appointed Assystem as the Architect Engineer for the buildings, services and site infrastructure of ITER project, within the framework of a joint venture agreement with three other companies (JV named ENGAGE).

Project scope

  • Collaboration with the client during the entire construction process, from the elaboration of the detailed design to the final acceptance of the works, including the ITER buildings, as well as the site infrastructures and the distribution of the power supplies
  • Deployment of digital tools (BIM model, CAD) in order to support efficient delivery of ITER buildings and services and integrated multiple proprietary tools in a common digital environment
  • Deployment and management of the digital model and management of data coming from multiple sources (mainly constructors) from the design phase to the as-built stage of the project. These activities required specific quality procedures and data exchange capabilities as well as appropriate security controls and data classification methods

Client benefits

  • Quick and cost-effective management of changes thanks to a multi expertise and multi cultural team permanently operational on site
  • Overall improvement of quality and reduction of costs and risks thanks to the deployment of digital tools and the high level of expertise for local nuclear safety requirement and follow up
  • Better coordination of construction works thanks to complete responsibility design and the construction and a construction team set up with multi nationalities contractors management


  • 300
    engineers and designers
  • 37

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