About the report

Assystem is an engineering partner to the governments, investors, owners, and OEMs developing today’s innovative low-carbon technologies, such as fusion energy. 

Fusion offers the potential for abundant power using a sustainable fuel source while leaving no harmful environmental legacy.  Today, fusion is within reach as the major experiments have successfully stimulated a private fusion sector. The reality of fusion would meet the global energy demand for low-carbon power. Fusion energy would be a stable partner in energy systems, as well as providing fuel for hydrogen production and other new energies for industry and transportation.

At a glance:

The report examines the current state and future prospects of fusion energy, including:

The potential role of fusion in future energy systems

“While variable renewables will dominate many electricity grids of the future, there will also be a demand for low-carbon dispatchable electricity.”

The steps required to develop fusion reactors from scientific experiments to commercial power plants

“A key enabler of the successful delivery of fusion energy is a stable policy and financing environment coupled with a focus on achieving results on the shortest possible timeline.”

The cost drivers of fusion energy and the potential for cost reduction

“A key consideration for governments and companies investing in fusion is whether to move ahead with developing a power plant based on more proven technology, or whether to pursue further R&D with the aim of achieving superior performance, which in turn will improve its economic viability.”

The financing options for different investment stages between fusion R&D and a commercial power plant

“A key enabler of the successful delivery of fusion energy is a stable policy and financing environment coupled with a focus on achieving results on the shortest possible timeline.”

Capacity to support a fusion industry, particularly in the UK, and the options for expansion

“In the event that the fusion industry can hit targets for cost reduction to make commercial plants competitive, this means a global market for the technology and services could be provided by a small number of countries and nations.”

The possible barriers for fusion energy to overcome and opportunities for the UK to lead on commercial deployment

“What is required to overcome these challenges is stable long-term funding, investment in skills, and continued international collaboration.”

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Developments in UK FUSION ENERGY

On Tuesday 23 May 2023, Assystem convened experts from across the fusion sector – government, developers, supply chain and industry, academia and energy sector professionals – to explore the next steps for UK fusion energy in an exclusive webinar.

Click here to watch the event

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