In this episode, we take you to a region of the world with great energy potential. Let's go to Central Asia!

Central Asia is rich in natural resources, not only underground but also in water. It is therefore a strategic area and is closely watched by its powerful neighbours such as China, Russia, Türkiye and Iran.

This region is made up of five countries: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: "the countries in Stan". These states are now taking an important turn with a desire to open up to international investment and to make the transition to low-carbon energy. It is this energy transition that the Assystem group accompanies in the region and which you will discover in this episode.


Frédéric Cheneau

Frédéric Cheneau

Business Development Director

Frédéric Cheneau has been working as an international Business Development Director for more than ten years, developing new opportunities worldwide, especially in Europe, Middle East, and Asia (Central and Southeast). His expertise covers complex infrastructure sectors with a strong focus on energy transition, including with nuclear, hydrogen, smart grids, and renewables energies.


In Switch On, our engineering, digital and project management experts shed light on the projects and technologies that are contributing to the energy transition around the world today.

more podcasts

S1 - Episode 1 | Accelerating nuclear development around the world through digital


S1 - Episode 4 | What are the energy transition ambitions and challenges in the UK?


S2 - Episode 1 | How to deliver new nuclear programmes around the world? 
