Assystem nuclear risk management report 2023

Here is the 11th edition of our annual report

About the report

Developing a nuclear safety culture is the backbone of Assystem. Through this review of nuclear risk management, discover Assystem's nuclear activities and their strong link with nuclear safety.

Find out about our commitments, our results relating to nuclear safety and radiation protection in 2023 and our prospects for improvement for the coming years.

This report is addressed to Assystem's partners and clients as well as to all the group's employees, all of whom are committed to the development of nuclear energy projects throughout the world.

Key figures

  • 58
    years of experience in the
    nuclear industry
  • 5,000
    nuclear experts
  • 0
    INES classified events in 2023

Report summary

Nuclear risk management

In 2013, Assystem's Nuclear Risk Management Department had just been created and undertook the publication of this document to facilitate the monitoring and steering of activities related to nuclear safety culture in France, by involving all stakeholders, employees, managers, partners, or customers.

For the last 11 years, the NRMD has four main missions:

  • The management of the nuclear safety discipline by leading a nuclear safety community.
  • The development of a nuclear safety culture as required by international practice and the ISO standard.
  • The internal monitoring of safety-related activities.
  • The technical and legislative watch in relation to safety.

To carry out these tasks, the NRMD participates in bodies such as project monitoring reviews and visits operational teams whenever necessary. It provides technical support to the company's radiation protection organisation. The NRMD is also involved in innovation and digital development initiatives as soon as safety methodologies fall within the scope of this research work. Generally speaking, the NRMD aims to reduce the nuclear risks borne by operators by providing a level of compliance and understanding in line with their expectations.

Progress expected in the years to come

Assystem has chosen to make excellence in nuclear quality and safety an essential axis of its policies, placing itself in co-responsibility with nuclear operators on the subjects entrusted to it. The search for improvements in the control of nuclear risks is therefore permanent and takes place at all levels of the company.

For the coming years, a particular effort will be made in the rigorous application of the procedures of the company's management system and in the reactivity of the analysis of the feedback.

The NRMD is committed to taking part in the joint effort by everyone at Assystem to make nuclear power more efficient and safer. This starts with routine reliability practices and relevant technical control focused on safety requirements. It extends to all our activities and our management. Our vocation is indeed to be trusted partners by providing a premium service for nuclear operators and the industry.
Jean François Bossu Director of Nuclear Risk Management

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