Switch & Act for People
Diversity is a defining element of Assystem’s DNA. We believe that diverse profiles and career paths, collective intelligence and complementary points of view are real performance drivers and, as such, constitute our company's most valuable asset.
Our employees are our strength and we act daily for their well-being.
Discrimination on any grounds (age, gender, ethnic or racial group, disability status, sexual orientation, migration status, place of residence) distorts the development of individuals and communities, disadvantaging some in different and often invisible ways throughout their lives. Beyond human development issues, they are a source of adverse economic consequences and significant gaps in education, integration and employment.
The Group seeks to create and promote an inclusive working environment, free from all forms of discrimination, where differences are considered, esteemed and leveraged without bias. These conditions promote well-being at work, balanced personal and professional lives, and the fulfilment of all.
Valid in all countries, our Made in Assystem* international diversity and inclusion charter formalizes and shares the guiding principles of this inclusion policy around 5 main themes: disability, professional equality, cultural diversity, LGBT+, intergenerational.
Our Switch & Act for Inclusion dedicated agenda supports all employees in their daily lives through the following programmes:
- Incrediblewomen : our programme in favour of equal opportunities for women and men. Click here
- Training/raising awareness about non-discrimination applicable in our various processes (recruitment, management, integration, promotion, etc.).
- Zero tolerance about inappropriate behaviour, in particular everyday sexism, and promoting the inclusion of the LGBT+ community at work. Click here
*Made in Assystem: this charter is the upshot of several internal workgroups organised with international players (HR, management, operations, etc.). Its underlying objective is to establish a realistic baseline that closely responds to local issues.
Regional presence and employment
Economic development with the ability to safeguard long-term progress is a prerequisite for the sustainable growth of regions.
Commitment to governments, customers, and the local social fabric helps to create this wealth. The resulting partnerships make it possible to devise and implement a development strategy, stimulate employment, and boost the economic structure.
At Assystem, we believe that skills development and ability to adapt expertise for new technologies are key to long-term employability. With more than 2,500 new recruits joining us per year in France and abroad, Assystem is an active employer in its areas of expertise.
We create jobs and help to foster and sustain local skill sets. As a Group, we contribute to regional economic development through activities and services conducted closely with our customers, but also through partnerships designed to champion social integration.
Within Assystem, we organise awareness training, involving our employees in initiatives and associations focused on social integration and employment.
Health and safety
Over the years, significant progress has been made worldwide in creating safe work environments and ensuring affordable access to healthcare. It is essential for companies to protect their employees against security risks and to preserve their health, however, achieving these goals is still a challenge.
The health and well-being of individuals is related to their work environment. Moreover, they foster economic and societal development and, as such, are essential with regard to sustainable development.
Operating in sensitive environments within the nuclear industry or on major infrastructure sites, we go about our activity with a view to ensuring safe working conditions for our employees and other interested parties. For this purpose, we define a common set of health and safety priorities and practices throughout the Group.
Given the importance of our employees’ health and well-being, we raise awareness and provide access to national health systems for all, thereby offering a common minimum level of social protection in line with societal contexts and country standards.
For Assystem, the matter of social links is fundamental. We endeavour to maintain a healthy social climate and prevent psychosocial risks in order to support employee welfare, while fostering positive labour relations with the social partners.
Our actions for the well-being of our employees are intended to promote quality of life at work along with individual and collective development by creating modern, high-quality and safe working environments that combine collective efficiency and comfort, whatever the work location.
Health and safety lie at the heart of our commitments, which is why we make them a priority.
Information security
In the global context, where internationalisation is increasing and competition is sharpening the threats, information security is a strategic issue, particularly for the so-called Vital Interest Organisations (VIOs) operating in the energy and infrastructure sectors. In their wake, it is also an issue for any company working for these VBOs. The increased dependence on information systems and the handling of sensitive data make it necessary to protect these interests and guarantee their confidentiality, integrity and availability.
At Assystem, we see the challenges of securing information as crucial. We are constantly strengthening the security of our information systems in order to guarantee the protection, integrity, reliability and availability of our data. For this, we rely on our global information security policy based on the ISO 27001 standard. In addition to preventive actions and the implementation of operational procedures, technical tools and 24/7 supervision, we have raised the awareness of our employees in all our subsidiaries through a dedicated training programme. The underlying objective is to develop our culture and proficiency in practices aimed at safeguarding the integrity of the information entrusted or managed, regardless of each person’s role within the Group.
Ethics and Compliance
Corruption damages the economy, sustainable development, and international trade by distorting markets and undermining businesses and people.
The Group reaffirms its zero-tolerance policy with respect to corruption and influence peddling.
We are committed to conducting our business ethically and with integrity, in full compliance with the laws of all the countries where we operate.
The Group enshrines a Code of Conduct for all employees, aimed at tackling corruption and influence peddling. Awareness training helps employees to understand best practices if faced with a corruption risk.
This way, our staff are equipped to detect and combat corruption and influence peddling.