4 April 2022

Having pledged at COP26 to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 35% before 2030, Uzbekistan is on a mission to boost its renewable energy generation capacity to meet 25% of the country’s electricity demand by the end of the decade. This includes targets for total deployment of at least 7GW of solar PV, 5GW of wind and 11.2GW of hydro energy.

With an abundance of vast uninhabited windswept plains available to host the latest generation of wind power technology, UzAssystem has been helping the Republic to harness this game-changing clean energy opportunity in several locations.

Recently, Uzassystem initiated a prefeasibility study for an extension to a 500MW wind farm in the Navoi region, with a view to growing the generation capacity by up to an additional 1 GW. UzAssystem is assessing options to connect both the existing and potential new generation assets to the grid, with a view to determining grid capacity and the most feasible connection options in the area.

UzAssystem has also been conducting geotechnical, topographical, and hydrological surveys for two 500MW wind farms in the Bukhara region. These vital site characterisation works will support the design of the assets by assessing potential issues such as seismic activity, thermal conductivity and flood risk prior to construction.

Additionally, UzAssystem has undertaken a grid impact study for another 600MW wind farm development in the Bukhara region. Owing to the variable nature of renewable generation assets, assessing the effect they may have when connected to the grid is essential to ensure existing infrastructure can adequately manage shifts in electrical loads and to highlight where maintenance or upgrades are required.

Moreover, UzAssystem provided local technical advice to support a developer of a 100MW pilot wind project in the Karatau region. The developer benefited from UzAssystem’s expertise in licensing and permitting, tender preparation and other technical and operational subjects such as subcontracting and supply-chain. UzAssystem has also been performing site characterisation studies this project, including geotechnical, topographical and hydrological surveys.

UzAssystem is committed to empowering the low-carbon energy transition in Uzbekistan. It is actively involved in a range of projects that will deliver a cleaner, more secure energy system for the Republic, including modelling its national electricity grid, upgrading its electrotechnical standards and supporting the development of multiple low-carbon generation projects.

Kerem Sadiklar, General Manager, UzAssystem said: “Wind power is set to play a significant role in the decarbonisation of Uzbekistan’s energy system, and investment in renewable energy assets is also driving vital upgrades to grid infrastructure across the country. UzAssystem is pleased to be supporting this transition by lending our expertise and keen local knowledge to developers of new generation assets.”

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