29 January 2020

London conference profiled inclusive conversations and opt-in approaches to recruitment as some key areas for improvement in the sector   

The Nuclear Institute’s Women in Nuclear (WiN) network united this week for their annual conference in Westminster, London to promote better gender diversity in the UK nuclear sector.

For the first time, Assystem hosted a stand at the conference, profiling Assystem’s corporate gender diversity programme, #INCREDIBLEWOMEN, that is focused on attracting, retaining and promoting women at Assystem.

At this year’s conference one of the themes looked at creating environments at work that promote inclusivity, looking at the patterns of communication that are hard to see in action in the moment, but profoundly affect who has power and a voice in a meeting or group conversation. Another workshop focused on the power of nudging and how changing the language in job adverts can attract greater diversity.

Anne-Charlotte Dagorn, Head of the Gender Diversity programme at Assystem said: “We are thrilled to be supporting the WiN conference this year.  As a growing nuclear engineering company inside the UK and the second largest nuclear engineering company in the world, it is important that we are part of the industry conversation around improving progression for women working in nuclear. 

“We are committed to doing what we can to bring the change needed in the sector to create a more diverse workforce.  Globally we are aiming to have 40% of female recruits by 2025 and improve the number of women in senior management positions to 20% in the same year.

“It is an ambitious target and the WiN network is supporting the corporate world by profiling the areas that require focus and communicating a toolkit that will help the industry drive the change needed to achieve greater gender diversity in the sector.”

Find out more about Assystem’s commitment to gender diversity here.

Find out more about the Women in Nuclear network here.

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