12 May 2021

Assystem and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will progress the country’s major decarbonisation programme. 

Assystem supports energy transition programmes all over the world by acting as expert guides to countries as they begin the process, identifying the bespoke needs of their energy transition, and working with them to develop a system that will incorporate new low carbon power plants in a stable and efficient way.

The MOU will place Assystem as the Ministry’s project management and engineering design partner, developing the diverse mix of new low-carbon power that will anchor the nation’s sustainable development.

Assystem’s energy specialists will lead on plans for increased installed capacity of solar and wind power and in the exploration of hydrogen production.  The scope also includes investigating energy storage systems, that will be conducive to the efficiency of the country’s renewable power plants.   

This strategic agreement follows Assystem’s recent contract win to deliver digital twin and grid modelling to Uzbekistan’s electrical network, which will produce modelling to show the impact that renewable energy integration and increased installed capacity will have on the grid. 

The modernisation of Uzbekistan’s electrical power grid will underpin the programme of reforms to the country’s energy system, making it more efficient and reliable. 

Stephane Aubarbier, Assystem’s Chief Operating Officer said: “We are thrilled to be supporting the Ministry of Energy as they move with pace and ambition on their energy transition programme. 

“This MOU is a confident next step in Uzbekistan’s plan to deliver a diverse and low-carbon energy mix – one that will be a blueprint for emerging economies globally.

“Our focus will be to realise the country’s vision with world class engineering that we aim to deliver through our local teams in Tashkent, drawing on Assystem’s decades of experience of building energy infrastructure around the world.”

Assystem is committed to accelerating the energy transition worldwide which will be vital in fighting climate change. Our experts support the development of low-carbon energy, through the adoption of nuclear and renewable technologies, the renovation of electricity networks, and the production of green-hydrogen for carbon-free transport and industry. 

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