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Revamping of the RJH project’s Information System​

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Design and construction support for the decommissioning of nuclear site

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Commissioning of a new nuclear facility: the role of an engineering partner

In spring 2024, the nuclear industry in France was marked by a major event: the start of fuel loading into the new EPR reactor at Flamanville (Flamanville 3). This represents a turning point between two key phases in the life cycle of a new facility, as it marks the transition from the construction era to the one of commissioning and operation of a new production capacity.

Our expert tells us more about these phases and the contribution of an engineering partner at start-up and during the first months of operation of a nuclear facility.

Victor Reichardt
Flamanville 1-2-3 Business Manager at Assystem

In spring 2024, the nuclear industry in France was marked by a major event: the start of fuel loading into the new EPR reactor at Flamanville (Flamanville 3). This represents a turning point between two key phases in the life cycle of a new facility, as it marks the transition from the construction era to the one of commissioning and operation of a new production capacity.

Our expert tells us more about these phases and the contribution of an engineering partner at start-up and during the first months of operation of a nuclear facility.

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