12 November 2021

Assystem has been selected by a major Turkish energy provider to conduct an environmental and social impact assessment for a 50MW solar plant in Sivas, Türkiye.

With its extensive experience in delivering environmental services, our expert team has been appointed to establish a comprehensive action plan to deliver a range of ecological surveys to ensure environmental impact is minimised. These include water and soil quality studies, noise measurements and biodiversity assessments.

It will also conduct stakeholder engagement activities to improve understanding of the local populace’s expectations regarding the project, including meetings with village leaders and surveys of local households.

The project will lead to Türkiye’s first co-located renewable energy site, as the solar plant is being developed next to an operational 128MW wind farm. With the country targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2053, low-carbon energy generation technologies will make a vital contribution.

Assystem is also supporting Türkiye to build its first ever nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, where our experts will be independently inspecting all the structures, systems and components related to safety.

 Kerem Sadiklar, Managing Director, Assystem Envy said: “We are delighted to be playing a role in Türkiye’s energy transition. Our experience in managing complex infrastructure projects, combined with our ‘Engineering Powered by Digital’ approach means we are at the forefront of the low-carbon electricity shift.”

 Assystem’s mission is to contribute to the acceleration of the global energy transition.​ Its experts support the development of low-carbon energy around the world, through the adoption of nuclear and renewable technologies, the renovation of electricity networks, or the production of green-hydrogen for carbon-free transport and industry.

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